Grass That Does Not Require Mowing
Plant a no-mow lawn and free up more time for yourself.
With feeding, watering and mowing, taking care of your lawn can be a time-intensive commitment. If you are tired of that, or simply want to create a more natural-looking lawn, grass varieties that do not require mowing offer a practical solution. No-mow grasses work because they either grow very slowly during the mowing season or they reach a maximum height that doesn’t require mowing.
Buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides) is a drought-resistant, low-growing grass from the North American Plains. It creates a gray-green turf that, when given minimal watering, grows 4 inches tall, and with heavier watering, only 6 inches tall. Buffalograss spreads by stolons and is hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8. It can handle foot traffic, but has low shade tolerance. If desired, buffalograss can be mowed at end of winter to remove brown, dead foliage and to quicken spring green-up.
Mondo Grass
Two types of Mondo Grass suitable for no-mow situations are Black Mondo Grass (Ophiopogon planiscapus “Nigrescens”) and Kyoto Dwarf Mondo Grass (Ophiopogon planiscapus “Nana”). Black Mondo grass grows slowly, reaching a height of 6 inches or less. Its dense, purplish-black, grasslike foliage is hardy in USDA zones 5 through 10. For even shorter grass, plant “Kyoto Dwarf” mondo grass since it only reaches 3 to 4 inches tall. This drought-tolerant grass has very low, carpetlike growth and is suitable for xeriscaping. It is hardy to USDA zones 7 and 8.
Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides) is a coarse-textured, apple-green grass with a creeping growth habit that forms a dense turf. Because of its slow rate of growth, it is often called lazy man’s grass. If the grass is not mowed, it will reach about 4 to 6 inches. The grass remains green throughout the year in mild climates. Since it does not tolerate heavy traffic, it is best suited for low-maintenance turf areas. Centipedegrass is well adapted to sandy, acidic soils and is hardy in USDA zones 7 through 10.
Seashore Paspalum
For ditches or other areas where height is not an issue, Seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) is a salt-tolerant grass that works well. This medium-to coarse-bladed grass has a dense root system and can grow up to 20 inches in height. It is a light- to medium-colored grass that requires moderate amounts of water and fertilizer. It tolerates traffic and recovers quickly from moderate wear during spring and summer. Seashore paspalum has a high tolerance for heat, can handle some shade and is hardy in USDA zones 8 through 10.
No-Mow Commercial Blends
Several grass blends on the market are touted as no-grow mixes. The grasses tend to be blends of either fescues (Festuca) or bentgrass (Agrostis). One blend, Dwarf Fescue Lawn Seed Mix brands itself as a low-growing turf grass that is hardy in USDA zones 4 through 10. The No-Mow-Grass brand has two versions. The northern version is Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera), which is designed for areas with hard freezes, grows 3 to 6 inches tall and tolerates shade. The southern version is a blend of fine fescue and buffalo grass, designed for hot, dry areas. The No-Mow-Grass brand does not use USDA zones to classify its grass.
Go ‘green’ with the ‘No Mow Lawn Grass Seed mix. This ecologically sensible lawn will save you time, water, fuel and money while enjoying a deep green, thick carpet of low growing, fine textured turf. This specially blended mix of six different dwarf Fine Fescue grass varieties has been formulated to provide a very deep-rooted (2-3 feet), dense turf that needs little additional irrigation (except during dry spells without summer rains). Left unmowed, the grass blades create a wonderfully soft, swirling pattern. For a more manicured look, it can be cut once every four to six weeks to a height of 3″ to 4″.
Go ‘green’ with the ‘No Mow Lawn Grass Seed mix. This ecologically sensible lawn will save you time, water, fuel and money while enjoying a deep green, thick carpet of low growing, fine textured turf. This specially blended mix of six different dwarf Fine Fescue grass varieties has been formulated to provide a very deep-rooted (2-3 feet), dense turf that needs little additional irrigation (except during dry spells without summer rains). Left unmowed, the grass blades create a wonderfully soft, swirling pattern. For a more manicured look, it can be cut once every four to six weeks to a height of 3″ to 4″.
Credit: Smart Gardener