Tesseract – healthcare company that is able to detect neurological and cardiovascular risk using AI by taking multiple retinal images

Tesseract uses image analytics for healthcare by peering into the eye with a camera and an AI algorithm to enable it to accurately predict numerous conditions, such as neurological and cardiovascular risk.

Tesseract Health, we are developing prediction models that leverage the intersection of multiple retinal imaging modalities with expert annotations to create comprehensive and non-invasive health assessments.

It’s guiding philosophy is to build on three pillars that form a virtuous circle: state of the art silicon devices, cloud-based data management, and deep learning.

It believes that ‘The eye is the window into one’s health.’

Tesseract Health is creating a non-invasive test that detects health conditions through the eyes.

It’s vision is to democratize healthcare on a global scale, creating a new branch on the diagnostic tree between radiology and laboratory medicine. We aim to support point-of-care screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of a wide range of diseases affordably, and without drawing a drop of blood.

It is empowering the individual with prevalent, convenient and efficient access to healthcare.

Point of care access

We support easy, fast and convenient tests at the point of care.

Non-invasive testing

Scans are performed non-invasively through the eye.

Preventive screening

We enable early disease screening which is important to improve patient outcomes.

It is introducing a new diagnostic platform.

The retina, the light-sensitive tissue layer of the eye, is the only place in the human body where arteries, veins, capillaries, and nerves can be seen directly. Our mission is to use this wealth of information in the human eye to improve patient care.

Tesseract Health is building a portable, easy to use and cloud-connected device to make retinal scanning ubiquitous outside of the specialist’s office.

Through different imaging technologies, a novel chemical sensor and proprietary algorithms, the Tesseract device is uniquely positioned to extract key information from the retina non-invasively.

The captured retinal scans are used to generate accurate predictions and diagnoses of a wide range of health conditions, such as neurodegenerative diseases and cardiovascular risk.
