Cool Innovative ideas of Pranav Mistry

Technological ideas? Pranav Mistry has some. Mistry is an Indian computer scientist and Inventor. He can be considered to be a forward thinking technological guru. At present, he is the head of Think Tank Team and Vice President of Research at Samsung. He is best known for his work on SixthSense and Samsung Galaxy Gear. He has created some innovative technologies that foreshadow the future of receiving, transmitting, and exchanging information.

Mistry’s research interests include Wearable Computing, Augmented reality, Ubiquitous computing, Gestural interaction, AI, Machine vision, Collective intelligence and Robotics. The World Economic Forum honored Mistry as one of the Young Global Leaders in 2013.

Check out some of his projects and ideas on his site: Pranav Mistry’s Projects

Also check out  SixthSense. This technology is essentially a concept for wearable gestural interface. It augments the physical world around us with digital information. Users can use natural hand gestures to interact with that digital information.


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