LOOK: a simple device to solve an everyday problem


A common emergency for many with glasses is losing them. One new technology that could be useful in our everyday life in solving that is LOOK, a clip that attaches to a person’s glasses, and then connects to your phone via Bluetooth to allow you to find them with the app. Simply press the button in the app, and the device will emit a sound. The batteries are small, but easily replaceable, and the LOOK can blend in with your glasses, making it aesthetically not an issue. LOOK is currently being funded (click here to go to their indiegogo page), and is useful for all of us who would lose our heads if they weren’t attached. It’s also one of the smallest tracking devices on the market, and is easy for anyone to use. Just connect and press a button when your phone is lost. A lot more information, such as the rewards for backing, is on the indiegogo page, but LOOK is truly an example of how sometimes the simplest of products can still be the most practical.


To visit the aforementioned indiegogo campaign, click here.