Dexter Industries is a company that designs robots for education, researchers, and hobbyists. The company makes several products that expand the LEGO Mindstorms system, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino prototyping system.
GoPiGo –
is a complete kit to build your own robot car. GoPiGo works at the level you’re at — whether you are a parent looking for a smart, fun weekend project to do with your kid, a teacher looking for a way to increase engagement in your science course, or a grad student in need of a platform for your robotics research that requires mobility.
Pi can run a large range of systems, including the official Raspbian OS, Ubuntu Mate, Snappy Ubuntu Core, the Kodi-based media centers OSMC and LibreElec, the non-Linux based Risc OS
Integrate web services, network multiple robots together, and operate remotely through wi-fi.
Build with LEGO sensors, motor & Technic parts but program in Python, Scratch, or Java.
GrovePi is built on the Raspberry Pi, a powerful little computer you can now use to control sensors.
Over 100 Grove sensors
GrovePi helps you connect, monitor, & control all the stuff
GoBox is the guided way to grow your skills and your GoPiGo. It’s a monthly robot subscription that gives you a GoPiGo robot, a collection of robot parts, and a year of monthly robot missions.