Eyeborg – allow people to perceive color through sound waves

An eyeborg is a body modification apparatus which fits on the wearer’s head, and is designed to allow people to perceive color through sound waves

Device translates the wavelengths of different colors into audible tones, then sends them to Harbisson’s inner ears via bone conduction. 

3D printed prosthetic eyes are the natural progression of prosthetic technology but as if that wasn’t enough there is a cyborg aspect as well


A one-eyed filmmaker with a camera eye is teaming up with a young Polish Opthamologist to create an army of monocular cyborgs.

Rob Spence is a one eyed filmmaker that lost his eye in a shotgun accident as a child and later created a wireless video camera eye to replace it. Over the years he has created several versions of a camera eye from one with a clear shell that shows the tech inside, to a realistic looking one, and a red glowing Terminator version. Hand made prosthetic eyes have been the norm for hundreds of years, but technology is marching forward. And this changes everything according to him.

Rob Spence has the world’s only wireless video camera eye

“I am excited to be partnering with a young ophthalmologist in Poland, Marcin Jaworski, who has a startup based on making prosthetic eyes with a 3D printer. The company is called Next Eye Prosthesis and it will provide more exact, and more accessible prosthetic eyes for the one-eyed people of the world. Cheaper, more realistic, and faster to build.  As a bonus, having a 3D printed prosthetic eye shell makes the production of eye cameras much easier for the Eyeborg Project. It’s tricky space and having it in 3D from the beginning is invaluable. I am also hoping to expand Next Eye Prosthesis’ mission later on to incorporate tech and help create an army of Eyeborgs! Perhaps as a start we could make eyes that look realistic but can glow red on command.”

3D printed prosthetic eyes are the natural progression of prosthetic technology but as if that wasn’t enough there is a cyborg aspect as well. Rob will soon be offering fake eyes that can glow red on command and eventually house video cameras. The on-off switch for embedded LED lights can be triggered by a magnet with an internal reed switch. Rob plans on offering a magnetic ring along with a 3D printed eye with an internal LED light.

Bored yet cool one-eyed people at parties can simply put the ring magnet near their eye to turn on a Terminator look and have their eye glow red. This will be Phase 2 of a plan to eventually offer additional tech to the 3D printed eyes. Wireless video camera eyes like his own will be Phase 3.

For now this is an incredible step forward in “normal” prosthetic eye technology.
