Full-size humanoid service robot now available for sale or rent by PAL robotics.
REEM is a full-size humanoid service robot that can be a receptionist, entertain and compliment your guests, provide dynamic information and even make presentations and speeches in many languages.
Buy or rent a unit from anywhere in the world and send it wherever you want. REEM has been in malls, airports, museums and fairs in Europe, America and Asia. REEM understands English and Russian, and can speak 9 languages out of the box and almost any other under request!.
There is no need to adapt your environment. REEM can move around in crowded environments, specially indoors.
You can teleoperate the robot with an Android tablet, but you don’t need it. REEM can make a map and navigate autonomously to the provided destination. She will avoid obstacles and find the shortest path. Help your guests to find their room in a hotel, or a gate at the airport, or a shop in a mall.
REEM talks to your customers in their language, makes jokes and compliments them, shakes hands, helps people to find a place, and offers unique interactive applications in her torso. She can see you and track your face, recognise you later, or even take a picture and upload it to Twitter.
For details visit : http://pal-robotics.com/en/products/reem/