New Innovative Medical Devices

BodyMedia FIT Armbands

If you ever wondered just how much calories you burn in a day, or how much your walk to the office helps you stay in shape, then the BodyMedia Armbands will be something that you only dreamed about. State of the art sensors pick up even the tiniest detail and can send it to your smartphone for a complete graph of your calorie burn over the day. A great tool to have if you are preparing to take a diet. You will end up running in the park to beat yet another record…

BodyMedia FIT Armbands
Panasonic R1-W

Panasonic truly has “Ideas for Life”, for example, the R1-W Hearing aid. This top of the line hearing aid has so much tech that it can run circles around its predecessors. The R1-W brings to the table a host of new features, amazing sound quality and a great and stylish design, but with a user friendly interface. A great medical gadget for those that have problems with their hearing.

Revolutionary battery management – The easy care battery tool protects battery drainage while in the dehumidifier and batteries can last up to 300 hours
Voice memo recording option with Bluetooth Interface and microphone input
Record 5 files – 2 minutes and 40 seconds each
Patients can record reminders such as doctor’s appointments, phone numbers, etc
Broader fitting range – mild to severe hearing loss

Panasonic R1-W

Lifecomm Mobile Personal Emergency Response System

All around the world, hundreds of people die every day because of the late intervention of medical staff. Be it someone alone in their house with no means to call emergency services, or on the street where no one is around. It is a sad truth and something that can happen to anyone. Lifecomm MPERS (Mobile Personal Emergency System) could change all of that. It consists of a cellular transmitter that you can carry around you all the time, small, easy to use and non-intrusive. The MPERS is in fact a “panic button” that you can carry around you in 3 forms: a watch, a pendant or a belt clip, all very small and stylish. It has an impressive array of features that give you, most of all, peace of mind:

Automatic Fall Detection – Device sensors can detect an accidental fall and automatically connect the User to an Emergency Response Specialist.
Cellular Communications and GPS – The MPERS solution merges GPS technology with comprehensive wireless coverage, enabling the device to operate anywhere in or out of the home.
Expert Emergency Response Specialists – Users have one-button access to industry-leading emergency support services, ensuring proper aid is quickly received – 24/7/365.
Arrival/Departure Alerts – Using Customized Web Applications, the Caregiver can create up to ten location zones with the option to receive alerts whenever the User enters or departs a defined area.
Activity Overview – The User and Caregiver can monitor the “Number of Steps Taken” and “General Activity Levels” each day or for the past 30 days.
Find My Device – The User and Caregiver can receive help locating a misplaced device by using the Find My Device feature or by calling a Customer Care Specialist.

Lifecomm Mobile Personal Emergency Response System

EarlySense Proactive Patient Care

A dream came true for doctors and nurses all over the world. The EarlySense Proactive is a system that allows medical staff to fully observe a patient’s vital signs without the need to be in the same room. The medical staff can monitor a patient’s heart rate, respiratory rate, movement and many more.The quick transfer of information and the ability to observe multiple patients at the same time have a great impact for hospitals and nursing homes, reducing the time between an accident and the response from the medical staff. This technology has the potential to save lives all over the world, and I would love to see them installed in every hospital in the world. A medical gadget that has potential to be used for individuals and hospitals all over the world.

EarlySense Proactive Patient Care


From an exercise tool to a medical gadget that helps you rebuild thickened tendons, the Xtensor is a great tool for people who do repetitive motions, such as typing or guitar playing. These repetitive motions thicken the tendons in the arm and makes your muscles stiff. Xtensor maximizes blood flow to these areas and regenerates the tendons to make them slick and flexible. As we grow older, the same damage to our muscles and tendons appears, and Xtensor can prove useful even in these situations. Making pur grip stronger than ever and out hands more flexible. One medical gadget ready to save your tendons.


Didrick X-Finger

A great advancement in prosthetic limbs comes in the form of the Didrick X-Finger. The X-finger is a prosthetic finger that can operate just like a normal finger, offering finger amputees a chance of having a normal life again. Didrick can produce custom fingers, but their ultimate goal is to allow its users to regain “complete control of the flexion and extension movements”. The X-finger is self-contained device and due to its silicone base, it imitates the natural movement of the finger with stunning accuracy.

Didrick X-Finger