Building Advanced AI Workflows with LangGraph
Introduction to LangGraph
LangGraph is a powerful framework designed to facilitate the construction of complex, multi-step AI workflows. It is built on top of LangChain and provides a graph-based execution model, enabling the creation of dynamic and modular workflows with conditional branching, parallel processing, and loop mechanisms.
This article will cover:
- Core concepts of LangGraph
- Building a simple AI workflow
- Implementing conditional branching
- Running parallel processing in AI tasks
1. Core Concepts of LangGraph
LangGraph introduces directed graphs as a way to manage the execution flow of AI applications. The key components are:
- Nodes: Represent individual steps in the workflow.
- Edges: Define the flow of execution.
- State: Stores and updates information throughout the process.

Before using LangGraph, install it along with LangChain:
bashCopyEditpip install langgraph langchain openai
2. Building a Simple AI Workflow
Let’s start by creating a basic workflow that processes a user query through an LLM.
Step 1: Define the LLM Model
We’ll use OpenAI’s API for generating responses.
pythonCopyEditfrom langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
from langgraph.graph import StateGraph
from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages
from typing import TypedDict, List
# Define the state structure
class ChatState(TypedDict):
messages: List[str]
# Initialize the model
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4", temperature=0.7)
# Define the function that interacts with the LLM
def llm_step(state: ChatState) -> ChatState:
response = llm.predict(state["messages"][-1]) # Use last message
return {"messages": state["messages"] + [response]}
Step 2: Create the Graph
We define a graph with a single processing node.
pythonCopyEdit# Create a graph
workflow = StateGraph(ChatState)
workflow.add_node("llm", llm_step)
# Compile the graph
app = workflow.compile()
# Run the workflow
input_state = {"messages": ["What is LangGraph?"]}
output = app.invoke(input_state)
This simple graph takes a message, processes it with GPT-4, and returns a response.
3. Implementing Conditional Branching
In real-world applications, we may need to route the conversation differently based on the content. Let’s add a decision node.
Step 1: Define the Decision Function
We create a function to determine whether a question is about technology or general knowledge.
pythonCopyEditdef classify_question(state: ChatState) -> str:
last_message = state["messages"][-1].lower()
if "ai" in last_message or "langgraph" in last_message:
return "tech_node"
return "general_node"
Step 2: Modify the Graph
We update the graph to include branching logic.
pythonCopyEdit# Define response functions
def tech_response(state: ChatState) -> ChatState:
return {"messages": state["messages"] + ["This is a tech-related question."]}
def general_response(state: ChatState) -> ChatState:
return {"messages": state["messages"] + ["This is a general question."]}
# Modify the workflow
workflow = StateGraph(ChatState)
workflow.add_node("llm", llm_step)
workflow.add_node("tech_node", tech_response)
workflow.add_node("general_node", general_response)
# Add conditional branching
workflow.add_conditional_edges("llm", classify_question, {"tech_node", "general_node"})
app = workflow.compile()
# Test with a tech-related question
input_state = {"messages": ["How does LangGraph work?"]}
output = app.invoke(input_state)
This setup dynamically directs the response based on the content of the user’s message.
4. Running Parallel Processing
LangGraph supports parallel execution, useful for tasks like summarizing text while extracting keywords simultaneously.
Step 1: Define Parallel Functions
pythonCopyEditfrom langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
# Summarization function
def summarize_text(state: ChatState) -> ChatState:
text = state["messages"][-1]
response = llm.predict(f"Summarize this: {text}")
return {"messages": state["messages"] + [f"Summary: {response}"]}
# Keyword extraction function
def extract_keywords(state: ChatState) -> ChatState:
text = state["messages"][-1]
response = llm.predict(f"Extract keywords from this: {text}")
return {"messages": state["messages"] + [f"Keywords: {response}"]}
Step 2: Modify the Graph
pythonCopyEdit# Define the workflow
workflow = StateGraph(ChatState)
workflow.add_node("summarize", summarize_text)
workflow.add_node("keywords", extract_keywords)
# Run both nodes in parallel
workflow.add_edge("summarize", "end")
workflow.add_edge("keywords", "end")
workflow.set_entry_point("summarize", "keywords")
app = workflow.compile()
# Test parallel execution
input_state = {"messages": ["LangGraph enables graph-based AI workflows."]}
output = app.invoke(input_state)
Here, the system summarizes and extracts keywords simultaneously before finalizing the response.