PayEye – Biometric payments system – Contactless payment
PayEye is a Polish fintech that introduces the world’s first so secure, convenient and complete payment based on both payment acceptance and user identification using iris biometrics.

By combining technology with science, PayEye has created a whole, independent and secure ecosystem, which consists of proprietary, innovative eyePOS terminals, an electronic wallet for users, algorithms converting the iris into a biometric pattern and in the future, also solutions for e-commerce.

Eye payment means security
The human iris has over 250 individual characteristics that make it unique. Eye payment is a solution based on iris biometric authentication, which is currently the most secure payment confirmation method globally and is more accurate than any other process.

One look is enough
This is another stage in the development of biometric payments, which, due to its reliability and zero false rejection rates, has the potential to replace existing forms of user authentication.

One look changes everything
Just look into the EyePos dedicated payment device, and your payment is done. Quick, safe and hygienic. Download the PayEye application, and when you make your first payment in a shop, restaurant or café, your iris image will be converted into a special numerical code. This code allows you to make payments by looking at EyePos.
PayEye is a lifestyle
Freedom, comfort and security. It doesn’t matter that you don’t have any money on you, your phone has died and you left your wallet and cards at home. One look is enough. When paying with your eye you really don’t need anything to pay for everything – whatever you want.
Each iris is unique, and there is no way that two irises are the same. Each iris has 256 features, which not only makes it unique but also increases the security of user identification.
The generation of the biometric pattern is contactless and has no health effects. It is necessary to use the PayEye service.
- Before you create a pattern (PayEye code), register and activate your account by making a transfer from the bank account provided during registration.
- You can generate a pattern at one of the PayEye partners. A map of all points can be found here.
- You can also create a pattern when you use the home delivery option – make sure in advance that the restaurant can come to you with our dedicated terminal.
- Creating PayEye code is nothing more than pointing your eyes at the PayEye payment device. One look is enough… and done.
- When generating a personal biometric pattern, make sure you have at hand the phone with the number you entered during registration.
- During the authorisation process, we will send you an SMS with a code. Then you can feel the freedom and for all your next payments with PayEye you only need one look – no phone or wallet will be needed.
- Remember! When generating the PayEye code, remove your spectacles, sunglasses and contact lenses that change the look or colour of your iris.
- Once the PayEye code has been created, you can immediately use it to pay for your lunch, snack or other services available from our Partners!