Lucy is a solar-powered robotic mirror that reflects natural light into your home.
Lucy is a solar mirror from Italian designers Solencia that wants to harness the sun and shed its light to every corner.
Lucy offers a way to redirect sunlight into the dark corners of your home. Essentially a smart, rotating mirror, Lucy works by placing it near a window and aiming its “nose” to cast light to a wall of your choosing. Then, an onboard solar array will track ambient light and power an onboard motor, which tilts the mirror through the day to send the most light possible toward your target. Most importantly, everything is automatic and self-powered, making Lucy the perfect promise of a smarthome device that’s effortless to operate.
Lucy can redirect a maximum of 7,000 lumens, a 250-square-foot room needs roughly 5,000 lumens to feel well-illuminated. Thats roughly the equivalent of three 100-watt bulbs. So Lucy is theoretically capable of lighting up a 15’x15’ living or dining room.
Lucy is also smart and self-reliant. It turns itself on in the morning and shuts off at night, when there’s no more sun to chase. An accompanying app can tell you how much energy you’re saving and give you tips on how to better illuminate your home.