‘THE RIG’ is being designed to be a pioneering adventure tourism destination on an offshore platform, drawing inspiration from Saudi Arabia’s abundant oil and gas legacy.
Three interconnected offshore platforms and a fully repurposed jack-up rig.
It will have diving centre, an amusement park, a splash/water park, an e-sports centre, an immersive theatre, and a multi-purpose arena. The project will span a gross floor area of over 300,000 square meters.

This unique amusement park is set to be constructed on the country’s east coast, near the island of Al Juraid – about 25 miles off the coast and the Berri oil field. Initially, The Rig was proposed to cover an area of around 1,615 sq ft, but it is now expected to be twice as big.
The tourism project will house three hotels with 800 keys, 11 restaurants, an extreme sports and adventure park, a marina and helipads.
This unique amusement park is set to be constructed on the country’s east coast, near the island of Al Juraid – about 25 miles off the coast and the Berri oil field.

THE RIG. CEO Raed Bakhrji said that the hospitality and adventure experience will “span a gross floor area of over 300,000 square meters, located 40km from the coastline, near Al Juraid Island and Berri Oil Field in the Arabian Gulf”, and that “THE RIG. is expected to attract over 900,000 annual visitors by 2032, appealing to a wide range of domestic, regional, and international audiences, including adrenaline seekers, explorers, balanced holiday makers, and relaxation seekers”.