‘Eat Just’ – Develops Plant-based alternatives and Lab Grown Meat

‘Eat Just’ is a food technology company, and it believe everyone deserves to eat well.

‘JUST EGG’ – Tastes like eggs.

Plant Based with similar flavor, texture and color to chicken eggs.

JUST Egg is made from mung beans, which contain a protein that tastes and scrambles like eggs. The mung bean is a protein-rich legume that has been cultivated around the world for thousands of years and is a staple in many global cuisines.

JUST Egg omelet

Cholesterol-free, antibiotic-free, and always non-GMO. The protein content of JUST Egg is also comparable to an egg.

hands holding mung bean pods

JUST Egg requires less land, water and carbon emissions to make than conventional eggs. It is one of the most sustainable protein sources on the planet. 

Cultured chicken

Cultured chicken has been touted as the future of meat and a solution to unsustainable livestock farming and animal cruelty. The meat is also supposedly safer as it is made in a sanitary laboratory environment, reducing the risk of outbreaks.

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) has deemed the cultured chicken produced ‘Eat Just’, can be used as an ingredient for chicken nuggets and will be manufactured in Singapore under the company’s GOOD Meat brand.

Technology for cultured meat is ready, it takes 14 days to produce it, shorter than the 45-odd days it takes for traditional chicken to go from birth to slaughter.

The ultimate goal of ‘Eat Just’ is to make cell-based meat that is cheaper than its traditional counterparts, and to normalize its consumption.

With plants providing nutrients for animal cells to grow, it believes it can produce cultured meat and seafood that is over 10x more efficient than conventional meat production.

Meat and seafood are primarily a combination of muscle and fat cells. They require nutrients to grow, whether inside an animal or in a clean facility. And the main limiting factor in scaling cultured meat has been providing cells with a sustainable and economical source of nutrients required for cell growth. Our methodology of discovery (material isolation, assays, and discovery output) is the same whether we’re finding a plant to replace dairy in butter or a plant to feed cells for clean and sustainable meat and seafood.

The Just Platform

With plants providing nutrients for animal cells to grow, we believe we can produce meat and seafood that is over 10x more efficient than the world’s highest volume slaughterhouse (a 1,000,000-square foot facility in Tar Heel, N.C.). All this without confining or slaughtering a single animal and with a fraction of the greenhouse gas emissions and water use. Despite the challenges in front of us, from biocompatible scaffolds and bioreactor design to scaling production, that’s where we’re headed.

2016 – InnovationEssence –
