‘Altos Labs’ – focused on cellular rejuvenation to reverse diseaseĀ 

Altos Labs is a new biotechnology company focused on cellular rejuvenation programming to restore cell health and resilience, with the goal of reversing disease to transform medicine.

Altos Labs is an American biotechnology research company. Altos Labs’ goal is to develop life extension therapies that can halt or reverse the human aging process. Specialized cell therapies based on induced pluripotent stem cells are to be developed for this purpose.

Altos is dedicated to unraveling the deep biology of cellular rejuvenation programming. Their mission is to restore cell health and resilience to reverse disease, injury, and disabilities that occur throughout life.

The Altos Institutes of Science will pursue deep scientific questions and integrate their findings into one collaborative research effort. The Altos Institute of Medicine will capture knowledge generated about cell health and programming and develop transformative medicines.

Altos is designed to integrate the best features of academia and industry — from academia the freedom to pursue the most challenging problems in biology, and from industry the focus on a shared mission, ability to foster deep collaborations, and the passion and commitment to transform science into medicines.

The Altos Bay Area Institute of Science will be led by Peter Walter, PhD, whose research has focused on developing molecular understanding of how cells control the quality of their proteins and organelles during homeostasis and stress.
