‘AI Prosecutor’ China – model that can reportedly identify crimes and file charges against criminals with more than 97 per cent accuracy.

Shanghai Pudong People’s Procuratorat China has developed an artificial intelligence model that can reportedly identify crimes and file charges against criminals with more than 97 per cent accuracy.

The AI model was built and tested by the Shanghai Pudong People’s Procuratorate, the country’s largest and busiest district prosecution office. It was developed by a team led by Professor Shi Yong, director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ big data and knowledge management laboratory.

Machine is so far able to identify eight common crimes such as fraud, gambling, dangerous driving and ‘picking quarrels’, researchers say Prosecutors in China already use an AI tool to evaluate evidence and assess how dangerous a suspect is to the public.

AI cannot ‘participate in the decision-making process of filing charges and suggesting sentences’, but is already being used to help assess evidence and determine whether criminals are dangerous to the public.

The tool was built using an existing AI model called System 206 and, without being able to identify and remove irrelevant information in a case, or process human language, it won’t be able to make sentencing decisions or file charges without human intervention.

System 206 has been used in processing cases since 2016, but it was not designed to be part of the decision making process.

The learnings applied to the new AI include the ability to sort data and determine what data points are relevant to a case, which allows it to make decisions where System 206 couldn’t.